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Greenfield Youth Football League

Greenfield Youth Football League

Eastern Indiana Youth Football League (EIYFL)

Rules and Regulations

League Structure and Bylaws

III. TEAM CAPACITY: (Number of Players)

Eastern Indiana Youth Football League

Eastern Indiana Youth Football League Supreme Committee

Consists of the Varsity Head Coaches from:

Batesville, Connersville, Greenfield-Central, Greensburg, North Decatur, Rushville

Eastern Indiana Youth Football League Board of Directors

Consists of one member from:

Batesville, Connersville, Greenfield-Central, Greensburg, North Decatur, Rushville


Contact Information

Head Coach: Evan Ulery (765) 860-4411
President: Keith Moon (812) 756-1053
Vice President: William Baum

Head Coach: Ryan Lynch (765) 825-2330
Vice President:

Head Coach: Travis Nolting (765) 635-6824
Vice President:

Head Coach: Wes Anderson (765) 720-9672
President: Chris Robbins (812) 560-8214
Vice President: Andrew Ruble (812) 560-8214

North Decatur
Head Coach: Steve Stirn 317-379-4740
President: Alex Dillon 317-512-3640
Vice President: Sabrina Goolsby 317-642-6753

Head Coach: Isaac Sliger (765) 570-3159
President: Justin Howard (765) 561-7107
Vice President: Mark Gordon (765) 418-7676


The EIYFL Board will consist of one representative from each of the independent youth football
associations that exist within the EIYFL structure.
Responsibilities of the EIYFL Board Members:
* Implement by-laws that will govern the EIYFL
* Implement and set rules that the EIYFL will play ensuring fair and level playing conditions
* Govern and enforce all rules and guidelines set forth by the association
* Represent their respective independent youth football associations with respect to the EIYFL
* Communicate EIYFL rules and decisions to their respective independent associations
* Promote youth football in the school districts
* Handle any disciplinary action required for independent associations, coaches, players, parents, and members
* Each board member will have equal voting power. All votes require 67% or 4/6 majority vote to pass any decision, new rule or rule change to the Supreme Committee


The Supreme Committee will consist of the Varsity Head Football Coach from each high school in the EIYFL league structure.

Responsibilities of the Supreme Committee:
Approve bylaws that will govern the EIYFL
- Review and approve all rule changes
4/6 or 67% majority vote required to pass any decision, new rule, or rule change
Review disciplinary actions brought against any independent association.
A majority vote (4/6) will determine outcome on any disciplinary decision
Resolve any dispute(s) that cannot be agreed upon by the EIYFL Board
Act as consultants for the game of football to the EIYFL Board
Promote youth football in their respective school district


The purpose of the EIYFL is to administer an organized program for area youth whereas to provide the opportunity to teach the fundamentals of football. This will be done with emphasis on sportsmanship and fair play. The league will strive to create and maintain the most positive and rewarding sports experience as possible for area youth. The SIYFA shall afford every opportunity for representation, advancement, and participation regardless of race, color, creed, religion, ethnic background or gender.


The Association shall have 4 divisions of competition

Flag (K-2)
1st/2nd Tackle
3rd/4th Tackle
5th/6th Tackle

III. TEAM CAPACITY: (Number of Players)

Each school is required to split at 32 players.
A school can split into 2 teams prior to reaching 32 players

IV. Rosters

Each organization needs to notify the league of the final number of teams that they will have at each division by no later than the last Sunday in July.

Rosters are to be set by the first Sunday in August. Rosters need to inputted and made public to the league through the Google spreadsheet, which will include name, stripe (yes or no), grade and uniform number

Any changes to a roster requires the school notifying the league. The full intent is that any changes to the roster are to establish more balance for the school’s team.


Each division will have set weight limits for participating in games. To manage this, Weigh-Ins will be conducted by each school at their own designated area.

All striped players must be properly marked prior to the first League game. Any player that is not properly marked may result in game forfeitures and/or suspension of the coach. Weight Indicator Stripes must be a contrasting solid color (IE: A team that has red helmets may use black as their contrasting colored stripe, a team that has white helmets can use blue as their contrasting colored stripe.) The stripe must be at least ¾” wide.

Maximum allowable weights for ball carriers in each division shall be as follows:
“12” Division = 75 lbs
“34” Division = 100 lbs
“56” Division = 125 lbs

Each school is required to have at least one representative from a different program present when they conduct their official weigh in session.

Striper - Any person who exceeds the weight for their division.

Striper Offensive Positions
: A striper can play a TE or an internal line position on offense (Center, Guard, Tackle)
*A striper who plays TE is an ELIGIBLE receiver ONLY from the 10 yard line and in.
**The ball is dead once a Striper TE catches the ball.

A striper can plan a defensive line position that covers an internal line position or a Striper TE.

A striper must always be in a 3 point stance


“12” Division: Any youth entering the 1st and 2nd grades AND will not turn (9) years old before July 1st of the current season will be eligible to participate.

“34” Division: Any youth entering the 3rd and 4th grades AND will not be eleven (11) years old before July 1st of the current season will be eligible to

“56” Division: Any youth entering the 5th and 6th grades AND will not be thirteen (13) years old before July 1st of the current season will be eligible to

The registration deadline will be determined each season by the Board of Directors. Any exceptions will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The school is responsible for placing the player on the appropriate team.

A school shall have the flexibility to allow a player to participate in a higher division at their own discretion


Each regular season and tournament game in the First (1st)/Second (2nd) Grade, Third (3rd)/Fourth (4th) Grade, Fifth (5th)/Sixth (6th) Grade Divisions must have AT LEAST (2) licensed officials.

Each official game in the Flag Division must have one (1) Rostered Coach from each team
officiating each game at no charge to the Host Organization.

Licensed officials must also be aware of and understand all rules set by the association.

Official Fees must be agreed by the individual host school.
There will be no tournament games in the Flag Division.


Coaches must be on the roster. They may only be on the sidelines of his “rostered” team.

Any coach must pass requirements set by each individual league to become a coach.

One (1) coach permitted on the field during Fifth (5th) and Sixth (6th) Grade Division games.

Two (2) coaches per team will be permitted on the field at all times during Third (3rd) Grade/Fourth (4th) Grade Division

Two (2) coaches per team will be permitted on the field at all times during the First (1st) Grade/Second (2nd) Grade Division.

Coaches on the field may huddle with their team to give instructions and play in the huddle.
The coach must be ten (10) yards from any player and will not be allowed to give instructions to his team or interact with
                         the players after the ball has been touched by the center.
 Coaches on the sideline are permitted to shout out instructions.
●  1st Failure of the Field Coach to maintain silence or to interfere after the center touches the ball will result in a warning from the official.
2nd infraction and beyond will result in a fifteen (15) yard penalty for each occurrence by the coaching staff.
After the play is complete the coach may encourage, praise and instruct players back to the huddle.

Profanity of any kind, directed at anyone is strictly prohibited, at all times. Any violation to this rule will face disciplinary action and any possible infractions imposed by the Referee.

Any coach caught trying to circumvent the spirit of the rules will face disciplinary action. The issue will be resolved by EIYFL board minus teams involved concerning the event in question.
*If issues can not be resolved by EIYFL board then matter will be resolved by the supreme committee, which consists of the high school varsity head coaches.

Only recognized coaches and players participating in that game are permitted on the side lines.
Only the Coach on the field and/or the Head Coach can call a TimeOut.


Each division shall have a designated ball for use during official league games. The ball MUST be a Leather or Composite ball.
Sizes by grade are:

Fifth (5th)/Sixth (6th) Grade: TDJ
Third (3rd)/Fourth (4th) Grade:   K-2
First (1st) Grade/Second (2nd) Grade: K-2

All balls used in an official game must be properly inflated.

The ball that is in play is the ball that must be played with.

X. Field Set-Up:

Flag Division will use half the field and the width of the field will be narrowed to the top of numbers on the field (9 yards) on both sides of the field. The host school must place yard markers at the distance on both sides of the field to help develop the out of bounds line. The field does not need to have a solid line on both sides to identify the out-of-bounds.

First (1st) and Second (2nd) Grade Divisions will use half the field and the width of the field will be narrowed to the top of numbers on the field (9 yards) on both sides of the field. The host school must place yard markers at the distance on both sides of the field to help develop the out of bounds line. The field does not need to have a solid line on both sides to identify the out-of-bounds. FIELD SET-UP IS IDENTICAL TO FLAG

All offensive plays will run in the same direction for both teams. All offensive possessions will begin at the opponent’s 40 yard line. A team will have 4 downs to earn a first down. If a team turns the ball over on downs or by loss of possession then the opposing team will earn possession and begin their offensive possession at the 40 yard line.

Third (3rd) /Fourth (4th) and Fifth (5th) Grade/Sixth (6th) Grade Divisions will play on a regulation size field


FLAG & First (1st) and Second (2nd) Grade Divisions will play 4 quarters with a 12 minute running clock.

There will be a 3 minute break in between quarters and 5 minute half time.

Each team will have 1 timeout per half.

Playclock rules are same as IHSAA

OVERTIME - If a game is tied at the end of regulation then 1 overtime period is played using the IHSAA rules of 4 downs starting at your opponents 10 yard line.

If a game is tied at the end of one overtime period then the game ends as a TIE

FLAG will not play an OVERTIME.

Third (3rd) /Fourth (4th) and Fifth (5th) Grade/Sixth (6th) Grade Divisions
will play 8 minutes quarters using IHSAA timing rules.

There will be a 3 minute break in between quarters and 5 minute half time.

Each team will have 3 timeouts per half.

PLAYCLOCK and OVERTIME rules are the same as IHSAA.

XII. Offensive Formations


First (1st)/Second (2nd) and Third (3rd) /Fourth (4th) Grade Divisions is limited to 4 formations. The formations are made public to the entire league.

A formation is defined by the number of TEs and WRs and their directional alignment to the football.

Flipping the formation is allowed and does not count as a separate formation.

Any adjustment by a back(Tailback, Fullback/H-Back) between the offensive tackles does not constitute a different formation. For example, split pro and I pro would be one formation.

No UNBALANCED formations

Fifth (5th) Grade/Sixth (6th) Grade Division is limited to 6 formations. The formations are made public to the entire league.

Same formation rules apply as the other divisions.

By Monday of Week 1, all formations for each school per division MUST be uploaded to the league formation document.

XIII. Offensive Rules
Unless a specific rule is stated below, all IHSAA football rules are in effect.

First (1st)/Second (2nd) and Third (3rd) /Fourth (4th) Grade Divisions:
A player can be sent in motion moving inward towards the center or outward towards the sideline.
A player CANNOT motion pass the center. If a player motions pass a center and the ball is snapped at any point with him on the opposite side of the ball then an ILLEGAL FORMATION penalty is enforced on the offense.

Fifth (5th) Grade/Sixth (6th) Grade Division:
A player can be sent in motion moving inward towards the center or outward towards the sideline.
If a player motions across the formation by passing the center then the player must pause and be set for at least one second then the ball can be snapped.
The formation that is created as a result of the motion MUST be one of the 6 public formations.


First (1st)/Second (2nd) and Third (3rd)/Fourth (4th) Grade Divisions
- Must run a 4 man front
- The offensive center CANNOT be covered.
The defensive tackles must be HEAD UP the offensive guards
- The defensive ends must be HEAD UP the offensive tackles
- Linebackers must be at least 4 yards off the line of scrimmage OR the yard to gain distance.
- If an offensive team has a TE(s) then a defense has the option for the LB to stay in LB alignment or elect to move to the LOS by lining head up on the TE in a 3 point stance.
- If a TE is a striper then the defensive team is allowed to cover the TE with a striper.
- When an offensive team substitutes to add a striper to play TE then they must inform the official. The official will inform the defensive team that way they have time to make a substitution if they desire.
- Ball is dead on catch by a Striper TE
- At least 2 Corners on the field and must be at least 4 yards off the line of scrimmage and outside the TE
- At least 1 Safety on the field and must be at least 10 yards off off the line of scrimmage

*Upload defensive fronts to Defensive Formation document

Fifth (5th) Grade/Sixth (6th) Grade Division
A defense is open to any alignment, but alignment(s) must be communicated prior to the season.
Key changes are that the defensive linemen can shade an offensive linemen/TE and cover the center but CANNOT line up in the GAP.

XV. Defensive Rules:

Unless a specific rule is stated below, all IHSAA football rules are in effect.

First (1st)/Second (2nd) and Third (3rd)/Fourth (4th) Grade Divisions
NO blitzing
NO stunting

Fifth (5th) Grade/Sixth (6th) Grade Division:
- Stunting is allowed on all downs
- No Blitzing on 1st and 2nd down
- Blitzing is allowed by Linebackers on 3rd and 4th down


First (1st)/Second (2nd) Grade Division:

No Special Teams

All offensive possessions will begin at the opponent’s 40 yard line. A team will have 4 downs to earn a first down. If a team turns the ball over on downs or by loss of possession then the opposing team will earn possession and begin their offensive possession at the 40 yard line.

PAT/Two-Point Conversion - Only Two-Point Conversions are ALLOWED.

Third (3rd)/Fourth (4th) Grade Division:

No Live Special Teams

Kick-Off - All games, halves, and change of possession after a score will result in a team beginning a drive at their own 35 yard line.

Punt - When a team elects to punt, a 30 yard walk off will occur. If the punting team is at the opponent’s 40 yard line or closer then a half the distance to the goal line will be walked off.

PAT/Two-Point Conversion - A team can elect to Kick a PAT or attempt a Two-Point Conversion. If no goal post then only Two-Point conversions are allowed.

PAT - The kicking team will be granted a kicking attempt from the opponent’s 10 yard line without a defensive rush. The kicking team must use snapper, holder, and kicker to complete the attempt. All successful PAT attempts are worth 3 points.

Two-Point Conversion - All 2 point conversion attempts will occur from the opponent’s 3 yard line.

Fifth (5th) Grade/Sixth (6th) Grade Division:

All rules are the same as the 3rd/4th Division unless stated below.

Punt - A non-live punt attempt will occur when a team elects to punt. They must use a snapper and punter with the punter aligned a minimum of 5 yards behind the snapper. The ball MUST be punted behind the line of scrimmage. The snapper and punter can be a striper.

Onside Kick

An “Onside” attempt is allowed in the 3rd/4th Grade and 5th/6th Grade Divisions.

- A team can elect for an “Onside Attempt” by running ONE play from their own 35 yard line with the line to gain being the 50 yard line.

If the “Onside team” successfully reaches or surpasses the 50 yard line then they will maintain possession.

If the “Onside team” scores a touchdown on the attempt then normal scoring is in effect.

If a defensive penalty occurs on the attempt then the yards are marked off and the “Onside team” has another attempt to reach the 50 yard line.

If a defensive penalty that results in the “Onside team” reaching the 50 yard then the “Onside team” is awarded a successful attempt and will maintain possession of the ball.

If the “Onside team” does not reach the 50 yard line on their attempt then the opposing team will gain possession at the spot the last play ended.

If the “Onside team” reaches the 50 yard, but commits a penalty during the play then the yards are marked off and they will retry.

If the “Onside team” reaches the 50 yard and commits a dead ball penalty after the play then the “Onside team” is awarded a successful attempt then the yards are marked off.

If the “Onside team” does not reach the 50 yard line and commits a penalty during the play then the defensive team has the option to decline the penalty and earn possession where the last play ended or to accept the penalty then have the “Onside team” re-attempt from the new line of scrimmage.

The “Onside team” team CANNOT change their decision to ONSIDE due to the result of the penalty.

All onside kicks are untimed downs.

All onside kicks must occur in the 4th quarter.

The kicking team must be trailing or tied when the onside attempt occurs.


Flag - No Playoffs

All other divisions will have a four team playoff and bowl set-up. The youth presidents and varsity head football coaches will determine the top four teams for each division and seed them for the playoff. They will also matchup the remaining teams in a one game bowl. The bowl games will try to matchup teams of equal level as well as avoid teams from playing a third time within a year.

All games will be ideally played on the first Saturday in October at one location. Winning teams will play no more than 2 games in one day. The winners of the playoff games will play in the championship game later that evening on the same day.

Teams and location of the game(s) will be agreed by participating schools.


EIYFL Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Policy

The EIYFL will not tolerate conduct by any director, coach, player, or parent that is considered by the League Officers to be detrimental to the league. The following disciplinary actions may be assessed for any such conduct occurring at any EIYFL game or function, or any conduct that in any way affects the overall reputation, spirit, and best interests of all participants in the EIYFL. Any such disciplinary actions:

* Will only be assessed following an official written complaint to the EIYFL board of Directors, specifying the allegations and requesting action.

* Will be decided by a 4/6 vote of Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled league Meeting, or at a special meeting, if necessary. The Board of Directors will decide the severity and/or duration of any disciplinary action, and their vote is final.

* Will be specific to the various participants, as follows:

* Any person in attendance at an EIYFL function that is involved in a physical altercation such as fighting or intimidation will be banned from any EIYFL function for one year. Second Offense: banned for LIFE.

* Falsification of Weight classification, Age, or Grade will result in lifetime expulsion from the league for the coach and player.

Any parent may be prohibited from attending any number of future EIYFL games, scrimmages, jamborees or practices.

The member organization itself may be held accountable and disciplined for the parent's conduct if it is determined that the organization (or representatives of that organization) either condoned or encouraged such conduct.

No penalty shall be levied against any player/participant for a parent's conduct.


Any player who is ejected from a EIYFL game is automatically suspended for their next scheduled league game, to include regular season & playoff games. This penalty will carry over from season to season.

Any player who is ejected from two games in any given season is automatically suspended for the remainder of that season including any playoff games.

Any coach who is ejected from a EIYFL game is automatically suspended for their next game, to include playoff games. This penalty will carry over from season to season.

A coach may be suspended for any number of future EIFYL games for any conduct deemed unacceptable by the Board of Directors. The number of games will be determined by the Board of Directors and will be based on the severity of the infraction.

Any coach may be suspended from attending any number of future League Meetings. The number of meetings will be determined by the League Officers and will be based on the severity of the infraction.

The member organization itself may be held accountable and disciplined for their coaches’ conduct if it is determined that the organization (or representatives of that organization) tolerated, condoned, or encouraged such conduct.

Directors & Officers:
Any action against a director or officer (as a director or officer) will be decided by the remaining directors.

Any director or officer may be suspended from attending any number of future League Meetings. The number of meetings will be determined by the remaining Head Directors & Officers and will be based on the severity of the infraction.

The affected organization will be responsible for appointing a replacement for their Head Director for any suspension period. Replacement of officers for any suspension period will follow by-law procedures.

The applicable organization may be held accountable for the director's conduct if it is determined that the organization (or representatives of that organization) tolerated, condoned, or encouraged such conduct.

The above listed policy is designed to protect the best interests of all participants in the EIYFL. Any attempt to use it as a vehicle for any other purpose will be considered a gross violation of the policy and will be dealt with severely. Any complaint that is filed that is considered to be frivolous or not in the spirit of the policy can and will generate disciplinary action as outlined above.

Any appeals regarding any disciplinary actions or suspensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Head Directors will rule on all appeals, by a 3/5 vote, and their vote is final.

XIX. Rules for adding Additional Organizations to the EIYFL league:
Any organization wishing to join EIYFL must request permission and then the league must vote on this.

XX. Rules for Field layout during Games and Playoffs:
Each Home field MUST have a Player Safety Line of a minimum of 5 yards all the way around the field to keep parents and fans back away from the field during all official games and Playoffs.

Place both teams on the same sideline away from parents.


Greenfield Youth Football League
810 N Broadway 
Greenfield, Indiana 46140

Email: [email protected]

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